Garrett Davis'
Mama's Girls

The Return of Mama's Girls

Garrett Garms
Official Photographer for Mama's Girls
One of the longest touring urban stage plays in America was created by award winning playwright Garrett Davis and Debra Tyler-Horton, AARP.
Over the last decade Mama's Girls has toured 23 states and over 100 performances entertaining and educating audiences on caregiving based from the information presented in the AARP Prepare to Care Guide as well as raising the awareness of diabetes during a 3 year partnership with the American Diabetes Association.
For 12 years Mama's Girls has established relationships with organizations and performed at several large conventions for organization such as the NAACP, AME Zion, National Baptist Congress, DC Theater Festival, and the Shriners just to name a few.
Now they have transition to television with episodes on various topics in an attempt to educate on health issues that effect communities of color.